May Flowers
Sound Bath

with Teya Knapp
Thursday, May 9th
Maha Rose Brooklyn

What are you looking to call in?

Do you feel safe to ask for what you want?

When was the last time you had a conversation with yourself that connected you to your purpose?

Through conversation, meditation, and sound we will journey together for this special two-hour workshop honoring our truest self. We will question the limits of our goals & dreams, letting go of our insecurities & calling in expansion & prosperity for new life to bloom.

May Flowers:
A New Moon Sound Bath

Thursday, May 9th,

Maha Rose
200 Columbia street
Brooklyn, NY 11231

cancellation policy: account credit or refunds are available if requested 72 hours prior to the event, less a 10% service fee..

Teya Knapp

Teya Knapp is a certified Reiki Practitioner that studied under Lisa Levine here at Maha Rose. Teya Knapp a mental health advocate & activist she is the president & founder of a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that creates free resources to the BIPOC community centered around mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing. She has dedicated her life's purpose to empowering her community with the intention of creating an abundance of opportunities that create inner peace & joy into peoples lives.